Saturday, April 4, 2015

Night owls more likely to develop diabetes - Telegraph

Night owls more likely to develop diabetes - Telegraph: Night owls are more likely to develop diabetes than early risers, even when they get the same amount of sleep, a new study suggests.

Researchers examined the difference between night and morning chronotypes, or a person's natural sleep-wake cycle.

Staying awake later at night is likely to cause sleep loss, poor sleep quality, and eating at inappropriate times, which might eventually lead to metabolic change.

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Medieval remedy to treat eye infections found to kill MRSA superbug | Fox News

Medieval remedy to treat eye infections found to kill MRSA superbug | Fox News: Researchers in Britain and the U.S. have found that a medieval concoction meant to treat eye infections also has the ability to kill the MRSA superbug.

The Daily Telegraph reported that the recipe, which dates from the 10th century, calls for two species of Allium -- a scientific type that includes garlic, onion, and leek -- as well as wine and oxgall, or bile from the stomach of a cow.


The paper reports that the recipe specifically calls for the mixture to be brewed in a brass vessel, purified through a strainer, and left to sit for nine days before use.